Innovative activities of an higher educational institution in today’s conditions (From the experience of Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education)

  • Volodymyr Bordyuk Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education
  • Liliia Antoniuk Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education
  • Viktoriia Semenchuk Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education
Keywords: innovations, innovative activity, innovative educational activity, innovative pedagogical activity, research activity.


The article is devoted to issues of innovation in the educational process of national higher education institutions under present conditions. It is determined that one of the main tasks of the modern educational institution is the search, creation, and implementation of pedagogical innovations aimed at state demands and the needs of participants of the educational process. The mechanism of solving this task involves innovative project activities, research and experimental work and scientific work, which will facilitate the engagement of students in project activities. The goal of which is to most fully take into account the abilities, needs and intentions of modern learners and to help the development of a competitive, creative person who is capable of self-determination, self-realization and self-improvement.

It is emphasized that educational innovations have always been and continue to remain the driving force that directs the system of education to the development, combines rapid civilizational and social changes with traditional educational stability at a dialectical level. Educators interest in educational innovations is also intensified by the reform processes that have been actively occurring in national education.

The concepts of «innovation», «innovative activity», «innovative educational activity» and «innovative pedagogical activity» are characterized. It has been concluded that, in general, the innovations in education should be understood as the introduction of new methods, forms, and approaches to knowledge transfer, the development of skills and competencies of learners.

The implementation of innovations in the region is demonstrated through the activities of the Rivne Regional Institute of Post-Graduate Pedagogical Education. In particular, the participation of the Rivne pedagogical community in various events, such as the Forum of Innovative Education and the Pedagogical Startup, is analyzed.

It has been concluded that innovations at the current stage are becoming a key factor of the development of Ukrainian education. The effective organization of innovations in an educational institution depends on the development of its potential, the professional competence of the entire staff to work under conditions that require the search for, creation of scientific-methodological and material-technical support of innovative changes.
