The proposed article analyzes the experience of the Pavlishskaya School and the views of V. O. Sukhomlinsky on the content and peculiarities of organizing museum-pedagogical activity and thus distinguishes the museum-pedagogical component in the work of the educational institution. In the sphere of implementation of the environmental approach, the specific influence of the museum influence on the student's personality, as well as the understanding of the following concepts: «educational environment», «museum environment», «museum-pedagogical activity», «museum communication», have been rethought. The role of various forms of museum communication in the educational process are revealed. Such as: school museum, exhibitions and expositions, specialized school premises («Ukrainian Word Room», «Reading Room», «Thought Room», «Fairy Tale Room», «Handmade Room», «Music Room», «Corner of the Fine Arts»), collecting storage and archiving of objects valuable in the educational process (children's and non-fiction, record books, musical instruments, educational refinement, music library, music reproductions), individual collectors and others. Through the lens of museum pedagogy, attention is drawn to such essential features of the humanistic model of Sukhomlinsky upbringing as the aesthetization of the educational environment and interactivity in the development of reality. It has been shown how, through purposeful and systematic work, the aesthetic education of students and the professional improvement of teachers are realized, in particular in the organized educational and cultural environment of the school, which has the characteristics of a museum. The progressive ideas of the outstanding head and teacher V. O. Sukhomlinsky, who become the subject of research and new incarnations, in particular at the New Ukrainian School, have been proved once again.