Education of sesetivity in prescholl childhood
In domestic science, a cursory analysis of sensitivity is predominant; the significance of the education of sensitive attitude to people as an indicator of social and moral maturity of the graduate of preschool is not substantiated; there is a lack of methodological support for this area of educational work. The author determines the content and structure of the sensitivity of the pre-schooler, characterizes the criteria and indicators of its assessment and levels of education. The author's model of sensitivity development is offered, its efficiency is proved. We use such methods as: analysis and generalization of data of philosophical and psychological-pedagogical literature; theoretical substantiation of the experimental structural-functional model of education of sensitivity; conversations, observations, projective methods, questionnaires, models of situations of moral choice, creative tasks, business games, trainings are used. The main results of the study include: the development of conceptual foundations for the problem of educating children of older preschool age sensitivity as a basic socio-moral quality; determining the content of the leading category, which means the ability of a child 5–7 years to perceive, understand, experience and adequately respond to the discomfort of a peer, to initiate constructive help and support, to feel pleasure from their own humane act; a description of the criteria and indicators for assessing sensitivity; a description of the levels of education of sensitive attitude of pre-schoolers to peers; the author's structural and functional model of optimization of the educational process, aimed at the development of children 5–7 years of sensitive attitude to peers. For the first time: criteria and indicators of assessment of sensitivity as a basic social and moral quality of pre-schoolers are determined; the level distribution of the subjects is presented and the degree of humane consciousness and behaviour of the representatives of each level is characterized; a structural-functional model of optimization of the educational process aimed at educating sensitivity has been developed. The key research concept, diagnostic tools and technology of educating the sensitivity of older preschool children were further developed. In the study, sensitivity is qualified as the ability of a pre-schooler to perceive, realize, empathize, independently initiate and constructively influence the destructive state of a peer, to feel pleasure from their own humane act. The criteria for its evaluation and levels are defined. The author 's model of optimization of the process of sensitivity education at the stage of preschool childhood, aimed at creating a favourable environment for the development of sensitivity in preschool education and family, is characterized.