Creative educational environment of higher education institution in the formation of health care competence of future bachelors of physical therapy

  • Hryhoriy Pustovit Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education
Keywords: professional training, creative educa- tional environment, institution of higher education, health care competence, future bachelors in physical therapy.


The article defines the current trends in the creation of a creative educational environment for a high- er education institution. It is characterized by material, technical, educational and communicative blocks and ele- ments of dual education, which will be able to ensure the logical unity of theoretical training (acquiring systematic scientific and special knowledge) and their dispassionate application in practice (acquiring the skills and practical skills of a specialist thanks to the use of dual forms in pro- fessional training), which will give systematic and logical completeness to the processes of formation of health-sav- ing competence of future bachelors of physical therapy. It has been revealed the essence of the leading concept of our article «formation of health-preserving competence of future bachelors of physical therapy in a creative educa- tional environment of a higher education institution».

It has been characterized by structural components of the content of professional education aimed at the forma- tion of health-preserving competence of future bachelors of physical therapy in institutions of higher education (knowledge, value, activity components). Also, it has been improved traditional and innovative forms, methods and means. It has been distinguished and characterized the functions of the creative educational environment of an educational institution in the formation of researched phe- nomena (normative-legal, corrective-directive, creative, and prognostic).

The essence of the creative educational environment of a higher education institution in the context of the prob- lem of our research is revealed as a system aimed at pre- serving and strengthening the health of all its subjects. On this basis, the formation of purely professional skills and abilities, which are components of the health-preserving competence of future bachelors’ physical therapy.
