Integrative approach to teaching special and fundamental disciplines: the essence of implementing professional adaptation of first-year students of mechanical engineering specialties

  • Yurii Buriennikov Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Іrina Khomyuk Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Leonid Kozlov Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Nataliia Burennikova Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Victor Khomyuk Vinnytsia National Technical University
Keywords: integrative approach, mechanical engineering specialties, professional adaptation, interdisciplinary connections, bachelor's degree.


The article proposes an integrative approach to teaching the disciplines «Introduction to the specialty», «Higher mathematics», «Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics» using the example of the study of the basic professional topic «Technological process» in order to accelerate professional adaptation, understanding and cognition by first-year undergraduate students mechanical engineering specialties of the main content of the «Applied Mechanics» specialty.

 It has been emphasized that the acceleration of professional adaptation and understanding of the main content of the specialty occurs through the creation of a new algorithm for teaching the discipline «Introduction to the specialty». It has been detailed the basis of the innovation consideration of the topic «Technological process» directly at the beginning of the first course, and building on this basis the entire content of the teaching material, which is provided by changing the teaching algorithms of the disciplines «Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics» and «Higher mathematics», in particular in the coverage educational material necessary for qualitative learning of the topic «Technological process of mechanical processing».

It has been shown that in order to obtain the maximum effect in students' assimilation of the basic topic, it is necessary to focus the theoretical and laboratory-practical teaching materials of the disciplines, using computer technologies, on the technological process with a full demonstration of product manufacturing.

Attention is focused on the fact that the use of an integrative approach to the teaching of the above-mentioned disciplines at the initial stage of education in a higher technical education institution enables first-year students not only to quickly learn the main content of the future profession, but also to understand the need to master all disciplines of the bachelor's training plan. An important element at the same time is increasing their motivation to learn the fundamental discipline «Higher Mathematics».

It has been proven that the use of a full functional complex of factors influencing the educational process using the above-mentioned integrative interdisciplinary approach to teaching the disciplines outlined by the authors accelerates professional adaptation and increases the motivation of students of mechanical engineering majors to solve complex engineering problems and provides them with sufficient knowledge and skills already at the end of the first semester bachelor's degree to further develop the acquired engineering and technical skills by participating in thematic professional circles with a practical orientation, student scientific societies, оlympiads, etc.
