Psychological and social adaptation of students with functional types of difficulties in educational institutions

  • Alla Cherniy Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education
  • Oksana Kolodych Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education
Keywords: psychological and social adaptation, motivation, special educational needs, collective interaction, communication.


The research presents a theoretical generalization and a new solution to the scientific problem of determining the specifics of motivational factors of psychological and social adaptation of students with functional types of difficulties in educational institutions and reveals their significance in relation to the normalization and social integration of these individuals as members of society. The influence of motivational factors on the formation of psychological and social adaptation of students with functional types of difficulties in educational institutions is confirmed, which changes group communication processes, without reducing the integrating role of the component of psychological and social adaptation, and the peculiarities of motivational factors of social adaptation of students with functional types of difficulties in educational institutions are determined. This creates a powerful resource for self-realization, a unique form of productive life for children with special educational needs, and prospects for psychological and social adaptation. Psychological and social adaptation of students with functional types of difficulties in educational institutions as a complex individual-psychological phenomenon of the social context contains elements of cognitive ideas, assessments of oneself and others, about collective standards which are manifested through behavior, the performance of social roles, self-identification, the creation or breakdown of relationships, communication under the influence of external factors, factors of the environment, culture, upbringing, life circumstances, belonging to a group, related to the satisfaction of basic psychological needs and aimed at the psychophysiological preservation of functions.
