Features of management activity in the conditions of introduction of mixed learning technologies in general secondary education

  • Oksana Virolainen Administration and Social work SIHE «University of Education Management»
Keywords: blended learning, distance learning, information technology, management of a general secondary education institution, educational process, management system, introduction of interactive teaching technologies, management functions, head of general secondary education institution model.


It has been determined that it is necessary to study and take into account the peculiarities of management activities in order to organize a highly effective educational process in the introduction of blended learning in general secondary education. Number of Ukrainian scientists and world researchers have studied the organizational and pedagogical foundations of educational institution management, but under the influence of global educational changes, society requires a new perspective on this problem.

Due to the new technologies used by a modern educational institution, the managerial aspect acquires the latest and most innovative shades of the system of organization of educational activities. The learning process can take place anywhere and at any time, the only condition is an Internet connection. This form of education allows the introduction of interactive technologies for teaching educational material. The article identifies and analyzes the management functions and tasks that are necessary for the organization of an innovative educational process, guided by the requirements of the time. Due to the study of this material it has been determined tasks and content of management activities of a successful head of an educational institution for the development of professional competence of a teacher. We came to such conclusion, which determines the level of systemicity in the institution of general secondary education, as well as indicates the creation of an effectively functioning system that meets international standards.
