Formation of cognitive flexibility as a basic competence of the future teacher: pedagogical experiment

  • Borys Savchuk Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
  • Lesia Vysochan Vasil Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
  • Zoryana Vysochan
Keywords: cognitive flexibility, adaptive abilities, flexibility of thinking, emotional flexibility, competence of the future teacher.


The article presents the results of a pedagogical experiment on the formation cognitive flexibility as a basic competence of the future specialist. It involved solving the following tasks: development of diagnostic tools; determining the levels of formation cognitive flexibility as a basic competence of the future teacher; approbation the method of its formation. The experiment was implemented in four stages: preparatory, ascertaining, molding.

Based on the provisions of the theory cognitive flexibility, four criteria for the formation of cognitive flexibility as a basic competence of the future teacher: cognitive abilities; adaptive abilities; flexibility of thinking; emotional flexibility. The basis of prognostic tools was «Questionnaire cognitive flexibility a component of the basic competence of the future teacher», consisting of 120 questions divided into four scales that meet the indicators of the four criteria. The second group of prognostic tools concerned the determination the levels formation individual criteria cognitive flexibility (test «Hidden Figures», adapted method of diagnosing personality to prevent and respond to failures T. Ehlers; adapted method of free associations.

 At the formative stage of the experiment, a special author's technique was tested, which organically combines the components of cognitive flexibility and pedagogical skills, training technologies for the development cognitive and adaptive abilities and flexibility of thinking and emotional flexibility. Sections found that its high-level averages increased from 9.1 % to 41.5 %, on average decreased from 63.6 % to 53 % and at low from 27 % to 5.5 %. This testifies to the effectiveness method of forming cognitive flexibility as a basic competence of the future teacher.
