Features of the development of polyphonic thinking of pianists at the initial stage of learning
The article presents the phenomenon of po- lyphony as an artistic method of musical art and a neces- sary and important attribute of artistic dialogue. Based on the analysis of historical, psychological and pedagogical literature, it was found that all piano music is completely polyphonic, i.e. imbued with elements of polyphony.
Therefore, the formation of young pianists' ability to perceive and reproduce polyphonic music is of great im- portance. That is why the mastery of polyphonic material should be one of the permanent types of educational work with students of the first year of study in specialized music institutions of all levels.
The paper examines the development of polyphonic thinking of pianists in the process of piano training, sub- stantiates the principles and pedagogical conditions for the development of polyphonic skills and abilities of pia- nists at the initial stage of training, and identifies the spe- cifics of the development of polyphonic thinking in the de- velopment of a pianist as a performer.
The article outlines the ways of forming skills that contribute to the improvement of children's polyphonic abilities at the initial stage of education, and offers a step- by-step method of working on the development of poly- phonic abilities in children from the first years of learning to play the piano.
The formation of polyphonic thinking is a rather com- plex and long-term process, which requires the pianist to master strokes, articulation, specific ornamentation, ap- pliqué, polyphonic dynamics, which includes the construc- tion of musical sentences, the cultivation of the culture of completing phrases. In the formation of polyphonic think- ing, a special place is occupied by sound extraction, spe- cific, rather careful and limited use of the pedal.