Сonceptual ideas of the author's pedagogical system for educating student elites

  • Tetyana Havlitina Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education
  • Nataliia Sosiuk Rivne Regional Scientific Lyceum
Keywords: author’s pedagogical system, national elite, student elite, scientifically oriented education, modern educational technologies and methods.


The concept of education of the student elite involves the study of the importance of the direction of new changes in the activities of the Regional Scientific Lyceum in Rivne, which should take into account the various influences on the formation of the young elite of Ukrainians. The theoretical and methodological analysis of the category of education of the student elite is carried out based on the characteristics of the origin of the elite in general and the elitism of the individual in particular. To ensure prospects for the development of Ukraine's national future, individuals who can assess the situation adequately, understand the national ideal, strive to express national wishes, and deeply believe in the power of the national idea and their intellectual potential. True awareness of oneself and one's place in the world, awareness of human destiny, and striving for the truth as a human approach to the fact conditions for bringing Ukraine as a state into the world by the Ukrainian elite.

An important conceptual idea of ​​educating the student elite was the study of the essence of the elite personality. Eliteness of lyceum students is a combination of abilities, talent, and innovation in the conditions of education with a scientific and national outlook, development of talent and potential abilities, involvement of lyceum students in active value-oriented activities, education of significant personal qualities due to replenishment and enrichment with scientific knowledge and competences, disclosure of abilities and the development of creative skills due to the expansion of the information space, operational and long-term memory, as well as new thinking of those who study, revealing and increasing the potential of those who are developing, establishing the Ukrainian mentality of those who are brought up.

The search for conceptual ideas for the formation of the student elite and support for the leaders of young Ukrainian education was determined on the basis of research on the implementation of the principles of modern education, the content orientation of the basic component of the development of scientific education and the unity of intellectual and mental education of future generations in the scientific lyceum. Modeling the author’s pedagogical education of the student elite acts as a purposeful systematic process of formation and development of talented and creative individuals with a high level of intelligence, a sense of patriotism, willpower, and national spirit.
